Transform your space into a green working space!
June 5, 2019
“The cost humanity needs to invest to save this warming world is around the US $140 billion per year. It may sound like a Goliath figure, but actually, it’s lesser than 0.1% of global GDP.“
Saving nature can be cheaper and simpler than your assumptions. And while this fact is vibrating in your brain, we thought why don’t we share a few tips and tricks that can help you save a bit significant on the environment as well as the office bills on this World Environment Day. Few of the green ideas mentioned below are already adapted by DevX to make it a carbon footprint-free coworking space.
Recycle even the recycled paper while printing
According to a 2013 survey, alone in the USA a whooping 20,700,000 tons of paper was produced using 55 to 110 million trees, and unfortunately, only 53 percent of it was recycled. But all hopes are not yet lost! There are various (Indian) organizations like ‘Haathi Chaap’ that are processing elephant poop to develop printing papers. The market is filled with agencies, which can deliver paper supplies made of natural recycled fibers. These green in nature and pristine white in color papers are cost-effective and will help you save a few trees from chopping down. PS: at our coworking space we insist our hardworking workforce to use both the sides of the paper while printing.
Avoid ‘Use and Throw’ products
Plastic straws take centuries to decompose, and millions of them end up in our oceans – damaging the vulnerable marine life. It is not necessary for one to use paper or plastic dishes, tissues, straws or thin plastic cutlery while relishing meals in lunch hours. Like trek-leaders insist fellow climbers to bring their own utensils, so they don’t hamper the fragile ecology of the majestic mountains, we at DevX insist people bring their dishes and cutleries in the office and use the washing arrangement at our pantry facility after they are done eating. We also ask people to avoid use and throw pens and use ink refillable ballpoints instead. A lot of carbon footprints can be avoided with this small anti-plastic gesture!
Even if your greens are synthetic, preserve them; it helps!
Ophthalmologists say that humans have the strongest visual receptors for the colour green. According to colour psychology, it is said that green is the most calming shade for human eyes. Gazing at green improves vision; it possesses healing powers and calms you emotionally. It is said that one should have an arrangement of greenery (no matter if it’s synthetic) within office not just for environment conservation but to develop a comforting atmosphere and ignite a vibe of creativity amongst bright minds. At DevX, we make sure that the work environment of our coworking office is more receptive for people by creating special arrangements of man-made greenery at every possible vacant area. So, each time when you are stressed about deadlines, you can quench your biophilia (the yearning of getting close to nature) by looking at the pre-arranged soothing greens. We are also in conversation with architects who plan to use plants as natural blinders instead of curtains to prevent the infamous scorching Amdavadi sunrays from entering our windows.
Lights out! Windows closed!
No, we are not talking about David Sandberg’s 2016 horror film! Through ‘Lights Out!’ we want to remind you that even if you are switching off a single light bulb, while you are not using the room, you can avoid a humongous unnecessary wastage of electricity. DevX will soon be electing a motivated group of individuals on a rotational basis who would be voluntarily responsible for making sure if all the office lights are turned off before leaving. Our airtight facility also helps in seal packing the cold air. So when the office restarts in the morning the next day, the air conditioner compressors cut down early and save a pinch of electricity, which cumulatively makes a more significant number at the end of the year.
Saving environment is all about being vigilant about your practices! And it’s time to bring a significant change in the conventional habits, not just at home but also at work! Start today!
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